House’s, Lounges and Dining Areas
Rather than operate as one large care home Anderson’s comprises five houses where residents can more easily form friendships and get to know key staff. Four of the Houses (Ogilvie, Harrison, Morrice and Munro) are within the main ‘A’ listed building while the fifth unit, Easton House, is located within a large detached period residence next door.
The units vary in size and can accommodate from eight to thirteen residents on a single occupancy basis – we have a few large bedsitting rooms which are popular with couples. Anderson’s in total may accommodate 51 older people including our respite room.
Each house has its own separate lounge and dining area where the residents may choose to relax or enjoy their meals.
Main Hall
As you enter our main building you cannot help but be amazed at the grandeur of our Main Hall. Here you will find our friendly reception staff ready to assist you in any way they can.
The hall has a comfortable seating area which is enjoyed by residents and visitors alike. You will also find many of our activities being held here. Halloween, Christmas and other themed events see the hall decorated in celebration.
All rooms at Anderson’s are ensuite with furniture provided. We may agree to residents bringing some of their own furniture so long as the item(s) comply with safety standards. Any electrical items must be checked by our in-house PAT tester prior to use.
Catering & Dining
The Head of Catering and her team ensure that residents are provided with a healthy, nutritional and varied menu. Meals are freshly prepared daily, with choices available and specific arrangements are put in place based on individual dietary requirements.
We source fresh local produce where possible and when in season we use vegetables and fruit from our own gardens. Residents are consulted on a regular basis for ideas and opinions regarding menus.
Meals are normally served in the ‘house’ dining rooms and on special occasions in the main hall. Residents have plenty of time to enjoy their meal in a relaxed setting. Tea, coffee and drinks are available throughout the day accompanied by lovely home bakes.
View a sample menu: Sample Menu PDF (Click to View)
At Anderson’s we believe that our residents should be able to enjoy a quality of life at least equal to, if not exceeding, what was possible for them in their own homes.
Before arriving at Anderson’s, individual needs are discussed with the new resident and their family or supporting agency and a personal care plan is developed.
Our teams work hard to support new residents when they arrive and they recognise that it can be difficult and stressful to settle in to a new place. Individuals are encouraged to bring personal items and belongings to make their room feel like home.
Over the first week or so, staff help new residents to get to know others, find their way about and get used to the various routines. Individuals are encouraged to take part in Anderson’s highly regarded activities programme.